Now Playing (iHomeServer Web Access)
The key components of the Now Playing view are described below:
 Progress and Seek Bar
Shows the current progress of the track. You can seek to a different position in the track by dragging the slider left or right.
 View Queued Playlist Tracks
If multiple tracks are queued into a custom playlist, then you can select which track to play by selecting the 'View Queued Playlist Tracks' button in the top right hand corner. This will display a pop up with the individual tracks in the playlist. Please refer to this topic for further information .
 Track Name
The name of the track being played
 Artist Name
The name of the artist of the track being played
 Shuffle Toggle
If this toggle switch is set to 'on', then the tracks will play in a random shuffled order, If set to 'off' the tracks will play in playlist order. .
 Previous Track
Plays the previous track in the playlist
 Pause / Play
If the track is playing, then use this button to pause the stream. If the track is already paused, this will resume playing
 Next Track
Plays the next track in the playlist
 Loop Playlist
Toggles whether the playlist should repeat from the beginning when the last track has finished